Is Skyward Sword the Master of Zelda Titles?

51 - The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Pal Wi...

51 – The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Pal Wii Demo (Photo credit: ddconsole)

Written by Amelda Brownlie

So, five months post-release of Skyward Sword, what do fans now think of the much-hyped title? Although preliminary reviews granted Skyward Sword the same acclaim as the Zelda greats (Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask) it would seem the enthusiasm has dwindled as game play commenced.

Skyward Sword is noted as having a more “sandbox” feel than previous titles, however, once half-way through the game it is realized that the 3 main areas (or what are basically huge dungeons) are the only territory that Link is going to discover. The ability to take flight upon your very own Loftwing is at first exhilarating and exciting, as you ponder exactly what wonders you may discover in this cloudy portrayal of the Zelda universe.

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Seafaring Charm and Exploration – Wind Waker

Written by Amelda Brownlie

For many Zelda fans the last truly in-depth and atmospheric title was the 2002/2003 release Wind Waker, offering the player what felt like a huge expanse of water to explore, with bright and cheerful cel-shaded graphics – although as with every Zelda epic, there is always a modicum of conjecture over its popularity rank within the series’ league table.

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